IT Servcices

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Headquartered in Munich, Connexta was launched in 2019 by AURELIUS with the acquisition of ID.KOM and has since focused on a dedicated buy-and-build strategy, with 9 add-on acquisitions completed since 2019 and an established reputation in the industry for being the acquirer of choice.
The Company, led by an experienced management team, established an impressive track record of organic and inorganic growth. Over the last years, Connexta has demonstrated a strong ability to attract regionally focused as well as specialised IT service providers to join the platform. With a regional network of 12 locations across Germany, Connexta has established a unique go-to-market approach offering SME clients end-to-end IT Services.
NiXEN has decided to participate in this LBO as a co-investor alongside Fremman to support the management team in the next stages of the company's development.
"We are very grateful and happy with the support we have had from AURELIUS and thrilled about the next growth phase with Fremman Capital as lead investor. Our team is committed to further grow our business and to innovate with new IT-services. We intend to enable our customers to prosper based on our world class, secure IT. It is our ambition to build a significant IT-champion for SME customers in Germany. This will lead into a growing attractiveness for further add-on-IT-companies and talent, alike. We look forward to working with Fremman Capital and continuing our fast growth in Germany."
Jens Stief, CEO of Connexta
(Source: Fremman)